Save Glem Valley
(SGV) Specialist reports
SGV have commissioned specialist reports to respond to the corresponding submittions by the developer RES to the planners at Babergh Council. We have done a lot of our own work on the landscape visual impact of the solar development on the whole valley. There is a report on the effect on heritage assets (including some interesting buried assets in the form of a previously unknown probable early iron age settlement), the effect on ecology, an extensive report on landscape visual impact and the loss of agricultural land. There is also an interesting report from a planning consultant who specialises in energy projects. All good reading!
Commissioning specialist consultants is an expensive exercise but a very necessary expenditure if we are going to provide accurate information to the planning committee so that they can make an informed decision when the time comes. Any contribution to the Just Giving site is gratefully received (just press the DONATE button above) and put to good use.